
Expert Training Program

Unleash Expertise -
knowledge and expertise transfer

Unleash Expertise




Day parts

16 weeks





What are you up against?

Your team(s) consists of a number of highly experienced experts and specialists. There is a lot of expertise but, it is mainly in the heads of the people. The specialists and experts work hard but, also too independently. If someone leaves or gets promoted then his or her knowledge and expertise is taken away, resulting in a huge business risk. How nice it would be if your team members would share knowledge and expertise with each other more and more often.

The objective of this program

The “Unleash Expertise” program is designed to enable teams of experts and specialists to deliver more business value by cashing in on knowledge and transferring it faster and more effectively. Also, the program will accelerate the learning capability of the team and will contribute to the concretisation of a true learning organisation.

After this you will be better able to:

Your team members are much more open to learning from each other. They learn to adapt their way of transferring knowledge to the learning style of the other. Your team members replenish “the toolbox” with new inspiring methodologies to share knowledge with each other shorter, faster and more often.

Your team enters a state of continuous learning, evaluation and improvement. Team members learn from their mistakes and less knowledge is lost. In addition, during the process we train one or two people from your team to take on the role of “learning coach” to embed the new ways of working in the workplace.

Who is this program for?

Time is the most prohibitive factor for learning. You and your team have little time and also little need for garbled theory. That’s why you don’t get thick readers or books in this program.

We have translated all concepts into short (online) learning missions. You can do these on your phone or PC at any time of the day. You score points with them and try to beat other participants and teams. The live training sessions are therefore aimed purely at practicing, practicing, practicing.

So no long explanations from the trainer, but getting straight to work with your fellow participants. With practical exercises. Which are instructive and inspiring!

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Program modules:

You can participate individually but, the program has the most impact if you follow it with the entire team.

We start with a bit of preliminary research. What knowledge is business critical for your department and for your customers? What needs do you and your team have and what is the “Knowledge Business Case“?

On this basis, the program content will be adapted to your needs. After a kick-off, the team starts preparing for the live workshops. You do this in a state-of-the-art online learning environment which is built up of short micro-learnings, gamification, inspiration videos and above all lots of tips, tools and fun.

The structure of the program consists of five modules, with each workshop adapted to the need at that moment.

The five basic modules are:

  • Business Critical Expert Knowledge: what makes knowledge business critical, why is it important, how do you recognise someone with deep expertise, how do true experts differentiate themselves from others, what is the business critical knowledge within your department.
  • Expert Knowledge Transfer Tools: what tools and techniques help to transfer deep expertise, what can you do to significantly shorten the time it takes to develop into “a true expert”.
  • Expert Knowledge Transfer Skills: what are the (soft) skills you need to transfer knowledge in a practical way, how can you develop them for yourself and your team.
  • Expert Critical Knowledge Mindset: how do top experts stand in the world, what drives them, what mindset, and how can you use your own drives to learn faster.
  • Build a Learning Organisation: how do we as a department get from A to B, how do we make using the tools we learned a daily habit for the whole team.

We conclude with a Knowledge Transfer Day where we apply all what we have learned in an integral practical assignment. We work out that day together with the internal learning coaches. They get the role after the training to embed things in the teams. From now on, learning only continues in the workplace and no longer in scheduled training sessions.

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